Friday, January 29, 2016

What You Can Expect Next Week...

    • More on God the Father and his role in our lives
    • Memory Quiz on Thursday - Matthew 2:19-23
    • Vocab Unit 9 Due
    • Reviewing Verbs
    • Reading Time for our Read-A-Thon
    • Bacteria

Ask Your Child About...

    • Amazing Race
    • Toothpaste & Deodorant
    • Poetry Friday - Annotating “The Brook”
    • Noun Review
    • Read-A-Thon Goals - How’s it going?
    • “Read-In” Time
    • What are you reading for your book report?
    • Animal cells vs Protist cells vs Plant cells
    • Population Pyramids
    • Europe Map Quiz

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Ask Your Child About...

  • T-Shirt Project
  • What does God the Father do?
  • Descriptive Narrative
  • Poetry Friday - Rhyme
  • European Union
  • Read-A-Thon Goals

What to Expect Next Week...

    • More on God the Father and his role in our lives
    • Memory Quiz on Thursday - Matthew 2:13-15
    • Vocab Unit 8 Quizzes
    • Reviewing Nouns
    • Reading Time for our Read-A-Thon
    • European Population Study

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Read-A-Thon - 7th Grade Set Some Goals!!

Hopefully you noticed in your family envelope last Friday that our students are participating in a Read-A-Thon to raise money for our new science curriculum. Seventh grade was lucky to be able to pilot the Foss program this year already and has reaped the rewards of learning from one of the top curriculums currently available. We are excited to be able to expand our implementation throughout the school, and the Read-A-Thon is one avenue to accomplishing this!
Each class is setting goals, and we also have some school-wide prizes. After some voting this week, the 7th grade has set a couple of goals. If everyone in the class brings in at least one collected pledge, the class will get to spend some "Fun Time with Mr. Schiemann" (just what they'll be doing is up to the guest of honor!). We also set a reading goal - 200 hours for the class. This equates to approximately 1 hour of reading per student per day for the 17 days of the Read-A-Thon. Reading literature for class and book reports counts as well. They should be keeping track of their time on their tracking sheets that came home with the packet last week.
School-wide prizes include $25 in free books for the top pledge earner in the school, $10 in free books for the top readers (most hours logged) in each of the three grade groups - primary, intermediate, and middle, and an opportunity to throw water balloons at Mr. Schiemann if every student brings in a collected pledge.
Please help us by encouraging your child to read and collect pledges!!

Friday, January 15, 2016

What You Can Expect Next Week...

    • More on the Holy Spirit and his role in our lives
    • Memory Quiz on Thursday - Matthew 2:7-12
    • Descriptive Narratives Are Due
    • Poetry Friday - Rhyme Scheme
    • Vocab Unit 8 Due
    • Human cheek cells

Ask Your Child About...

    • What does the Holy Spirit do?
    • Descriptive Narrative
    • Poetry Friday
    • Andes Mountains
    • Europe Map
    • Science Quiz
    • Mini-habitat creatures

Friday, January 8, 2016

What You Can Expect Next Week...

    • More on the Holy Spirit and his role in our lives
    • Memory Quiz on Thursday
    • Micro-organisms in pond water and our mini-habitats
    • Math - algebraic equations and inequalities; equivalent equations
    • Descriptive Narratives Begin
    • Poetry Friday - Figurative Language
    • Vocab Unit 7 Quizzes

Ask Your Child About...

    • What does the Holy Spirit do?
    • Did you find anything in your mini-habit?
    • Poetry Friday
    • What did you choose for your descriptive paragraph topic?
    • Book Orders (due Thursday)
    • Auction Assembly
    • Amazon Rain Forest

Subject Update: Geography

This week, we have been discussing the Amazon Rain Forest and the debates over how to use the land.  Today, the 7th graders presented news broadcasts, each representing a different interest group discussing how and why they want to use the land.

Preparing for Science class next week

Seventh graders. Over the weekend, you need to log in to the Foss website and review some information about micro-organisms. You will find this information under the Organisms Database. All I want you to do is look at the many different organism and familiarize yourself with some of their characteristics and get a visual on their looks. Our goal will be that when we look once again at your mini-habitats, we might be able to identify what we see.

The FOSS website can be reached:   

You will login as a Class Login.
Username: fhlcs7science
Password: SCI7fhlcs  (SCI are all capital letters)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year - New Novels!

We were excited to start new novels (all award winners!) in literature today! Each group was assigned and had the opportunity to plan out the month with their group. They divided the novel into 5 sections, assigned due dates for each section and summary, and planned a final due date for their skill folders. Each group had time to read aloud together at the end. Ask your child about their new novel study group!

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