Memory Work


Objective: For God’s word to get from BIBLE to BRAIN to FAMILY to HEART
    The purpose of Biblical memory work has always been to impact the students’ hearts and relationships with God. My hope is that this new routine will have such an impact and allow the Holy Spirit to work, not just in the life and heart of the student, but the family as well.

On Thursday morning, each student will write the Bible passage for the week on a notecard. The reference, title, and passage should all be included on the notecard. This notecard will serve as the study tool for the week.

Parents will now be the assessors of the memory work. After studying and practicing, either on their own or with their parents, siblings, or friends, the students will recite the Bible passage to their parents. Parents must sign off on the notecard that the student successfully (according to the parents’ standards - Mrs. Schulze has no intention of micromanaging this) recited the Bible passage. This will count for 20/25 points, and shows the BIBLE to BRAIN portion of the objective.

For the BRAIN to FAMILY to HEART portion of the objective. The goal is for each student to have a conversation with their parent(s) about the passage, examining these questions and any others that come up:

What happened in this passage?
Why did the author write this down?
What is God’s message to you in this passage?
How do you relate to this passage?
How does this passage impact your faith?

Whether in the car, at the dinner table, on the couch, or wherever/whenever makes sense for your family and schedule, if this conversation takes place, parents should note that on the notecard as well. This will result in the final 5 points being assigned, but the ultimate desired result is that the family has a conversation about God and faith, and that the hearts of the students and family members are impacted by these Biblical passages.

Notecards must be shown to Mrs. Schulze by the next Thursday morning (earlier is fine). Once shown to Mrs. Schulze, the students are encouraged to put the notecards in their Bibles for future reference and reflection.

 I'm excited for the conversations that will begin happening at home surrounding these Bible passages, and I pray that they will be a tool of the Holy Spirit to bring the students and their families closer to God.

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