Friday, February 26, 2016

What To Expect Next Week...

    • End of Trimester
    • Finishing our study on the First Article of the Apostle’s Creed - God the Father
    • Memory Quiz on Thursday - Choose any one from the trimester to retake (optional)
    • Vocab Unit 10 Quizzes Tuesday
    • Finish up fungus and start on Archaea
    • Cultural regions in Nigeria

Ask Your Child About...

    • Engineering Week - Building an Emergency Structure
    • Spring Play
    • From what does God protect us?
    • What is sequence writing? What procedure did you choose to explain?
    • What reading strategy are you studying in James & the Giant Peach?
    • What is renga?
    • What is haiku?
    • Stump the Pastor - what was your favorite answer?
    • What fungus tastes like
    • Cells, Are they all alike?
    • Sahara Desert

Monday, February 22, 2016

What You Can Expect This Week...

  • Stump the Pastor
  • Sequence Paragraphs
  • Limericks
  • Fungus
  • James & the Giant Peach
  • Vocab Unit 10 Due
  • Memory Quiz - Matthew 3:13-17
  • Sahara Desert
  • Book Orders - with an opportunity for a free book!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Mr. Schiemann's Math Class

Hi everyone.  Today in math was intense!  We only got through 3 problems in 45 minutes.  Just to help you out, here are pictures of the steps we took with those three problems.  You'll need to make sure you have your formula sheets handy!  Tomorrow, I'll be assigning homework, so get ready to calculate :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What Our Faith Means To Us...

During National Lutheran Schools Week, the 7th grade had an opportunity to explore what their faith means to them and create a representation of that faith. Each student was given a blank, white cross and the instructions to "make it show your faith - use words, pictures, Bible verses - whatever makes it yours, and own it proudly - your name must be on the front because it's your faith!" Here's our display: