Thursday, May 18, 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Memory Work

Memory Work


Tuesday, May 16

1 John 1:8-9
Matthew 18:18
** Remember that each verse must be signed by your parents that you have successfully memorized the passage (80%) and written what these verses say or mean to you (also signed by your parents for 100%).  Remember to turn them in on Tuesday.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Subject Update: Geography

We have been studying several aspects of life in Asia over the past few weeks.  We looked at how monsoons in SE Asia affect the way people live there.

We looked at what attracts many IT jobs to move to India.

This week, we are looking at what it takes to conquer one of the most dangerous feats out world has to offer: climbing Mt. Everest.

The next two chapters will look at two countries and their great populations: China (the world's most populous country) and Japan (the world's most densely populated country).

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Memory Work for May 9

2 Corinthians 5:17Psalm 32:1, 3, 5
Remember, all memory work is due on Tuesday.  10% will be deducted each day it is late up to 50%.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Memory Work

Memory Work

April 25
Psalm 16:8-11
These verses tell about the resurrection of Jesus which Peter shared with others.  
Read through Acts to find where these verses are fulfilled.

Subject Update: Geography

We have officially moved on from Africa and have started working on Asia!  Tomorrow, April 20th, will be our map quiz on the continent.

Last week, we looked at how the oil industry affects the countries of the Middle East.  This week, we have discussed the disappearing Aral Sea.

Next, we will be exploring how monsoons affect the culture of Southeast Asia.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 11 - Memory Work 

Isaiah 53:3-6
Isaiah's prophecy talks about the treatment that Jesus will endure and the reason why He died for us.    
Read through the narratives in Luke and 2 Corinthians to see what happens.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Literature Final Project

Before Spring Break the class finished reading their novel A Long Walk to Water.  As a class they have been learning about different topics discussed in the book.  In response to his experiences, Salva started his project (Water for South Sudan) because there was not enough water.  The water they did find and use was contaminated.  He started small but with each step his dream was realized and now many villages enjoy fresh water without walking or worrying about contamination.  As a final response, each student is to find a cause that they feel strongly about or could support.  They will create a poster complete with title, logo, illustrations and descriptions about their project.  This could also be something they already do at home or in their youth groups.  Due Date: Monday, April 10

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Memory Work

Memory Work

April 4
For the month of April the students will be studying the prophecies around the crucifixition, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  For bonus points, students are encourage (with the help of parents) to study the scriptures to find where the prophecy was fulfilled.  Students are to provide the Bible reference of the fulfillment along with their summary.  Bible verses:  Psalm 22:16 - 18

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Subject Update: Geography

This week, we have been looking at the extremely diverse country of Nigeria, which contains over 250 different cultural groups, most with their own language!

Our next topic of study will be South Africa.  We will briefly discuss the era of Apartheid in South Africa, and then look at how the country has grown and changed since that time.

Once we conclude our study of South Africa, we will be moving on to Asia!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Memory Work

Memory Work for     Tuesday, March 21

John 6:68-69 & Ephesians 4:24

Remember to include your thoughts about what these verses mean to you how you can use them in your life.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Memory Work

Memory Work

Due for Tuesday, March 14 are:
Psalm 34:7
1 Peter 5:8-9
Remember to write about what God says to us about applying these to our lives and the importance of living His Word.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Subject Update: Geography

This last week in geography, we took virtual field trips to Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia to see how former properties of the Soviet Union were succeeding as individual nation states.

Next week, after spending some time picking topics for their upcoming research paper in writing class, we will start preparing for the upcoming Africa map test, which will be on Thursday, March 16th.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Memory Work

Memory Work

Due: Tuesday, March 7

Matthew 6:33-34
Hebrews 11:3

Our next unit in Christian Studies will take a look at the life of Jesus.  We will be viewing Him as True Man and as True God as He lives and works with the people on earth.  The lessons we will view are also important and relevant to us today.  These lessons will also lead us to His death on the cross during this season of Lent.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Subject Update: Geography

This week, we finished up a study of transboundary pollution.  We used several disasters in Europe to show how one country's pollution can affect many countries around it.  We talked about how "everyone lives downstream from someone," and we need to be responsible in our actions because of how those actions might affect others.

Our new chapter we will be diving into next week, focuses on several the of nation-states that emerged out of the former Soviet Union.  We will explore how successful these countries have been, as well as take a virtual field trip to them.

This will be our last chapter discussing Europe.  We will then move on to Africa.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Memory Work


Memory Work = 1 John 4:7-12

Due: Tuesday, February 28

This is the last verse for 2nd trimester.  Remember to watch for examples of God's love at LEST and to practice giving God's love to others.  In your journal write about how you can give God's love to others on a daily basis.  

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Memory Work for Tuesday, Feb. 14
This month we are looking at some verses that describe how we should act towards others.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
While this is a popular section that speaks about what love is, 
it also tells us HOW we are to treat others.  
In the students' summaries I hope to see their plan for 
putting these verses into practice TODAY, 
not in the future, but HERE and NOW.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Subject Update: Geography

Some things have changed in the past couple weeks since our last geography update.  After our time off from the snow, we have decided to forego our Latin America unit test and move on.  This means that this week, we began our study of Europe!

This week, we started our study of the map of Europe.  Our map quiz on the Europe map will be Thursday, January 26th.  To help study, students can take the Lizard Point quiz on the map at

Through our study of Europe, we will be exploring several aspects of European life.  We will be looking at the benefits and drawbacks of a partnership like the European Union.  We will also study population charts and see population growth trends in several European countries.  Another study will be the differences between several nation-states that were once a part of the Soviet Union.

When we reach the end of these chapters, we will prepare for a Europe Unit Test.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Memory Work

Memory for Tuesday, January 24

Galatians 2:20 
1 Corinthians 1:30 

IF you did not finish the verse due on Jan. 17 you will have until Tuesday, Jan. 24 to have them completed.  Those verses are:
Acts 10:34-35
2 Chronicles 20:15

Monday, January 9, 2017

Language Arts

New Novel Study Revealed

We will be reading the novel "A Long Walk to Water" and doing activities based on this book.  Linda Sue Park wrote this book in a unique style.  Part of each chapter is based on the true story of Salva a "lost boy" refugee from Sudan and the other part, a fictional story of Nya who is a part of the Nuer tribe.  Their worlds come together as both strive to better the futures of all people in Sudan.
If you are interested in purchasing your own copy of this wonderful book the cost is $7.99 or you can purchase it from your favorite book store.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Subject Update: Geography

In geography, we have been touring our way through Latin America, finishing up our tour this week.
We looked at over-population and spatial inequality in Mexico City.
We looked at the Caribbean Islands and the extreme weather that affects the area.  We learned how hurricanes form and why they are so devastating.  We even built a human hurricane in class!
Next, we explored the Amazon Rain Forest and how different interest groups believe the land should be used in different ways.  We discussed why each point of view is justified and also flawed.
Last, we looked at what it was like to live at very high elevation, such as the Andes Mountains of South America.

Next week, we will begin reviewing our study of Latin America preparing for a unit test before we move on to Europe.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Memory Work

Memory Work for Tuesday, January 10

* Galatians 5:22-23
When writing what this verse means to you include what fruit you believe God has blessed you with and how you can use it in your everyday life.
* John 21:17

80% - Memorize the verses and have your parents sign off.
100% - Memorize the verses and write a paragraph about what this means to you.