Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Memory Work

Memory Work

April 25
Psalm 16:8-11
These verses tell about the resurrection of Jesus which Peter shared with others.  
Read through Acts to find where these verses are fulfilled.

Subject Update: Geography

We have officially moved on from Africa and have started working on Asia!  Tomorrow, April 20th, will be our map quiz on the continent.

Last week, we looked at how the oil industry affects the countries of the Middle East.  This week, we have discussed the disappearing Aral Sea.

Next, we will be exploring how monsoons affect the culture of Southeast Asia.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 11 - Memory Work 

Isaiah 53:3-6
Isaiah's prophecy talks about the treatment that Jesus will endure and the reason why He died for us.    
Read through the narratives in Luke and 2 Corinthians to see what happens.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Literature Final Project

Before Spring Break the class finished reading their novel A Long Walk to Water.  As a class they have been learning about different topics discussed in the book.  In response to his experiences, Salva started his project (Water for South Sudan) because there was not enough water.  The water they did find and use was contaminated.  He started small but with each step his dream was realized and now many villages enjoy fresh water without walking or worrying about contamination.  As a final response, each student is to find a cause that they feel strongly about or could support.  They will create a poster complete with title, logo, illustrations and descriptions about their project.  This could also be something they already do at home or in their youth groups.  Due Date: Monday, April 10