Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bless the Lord, O My Soul

Our next memory passage is the first seven verses of Psalm 103. Many songs have been written using the words from Psalm 103, and the message is powerful! David proclaims in this Psalm that God is all-powerful and can deal with ALL of our brokenness - both body and soul.

Some things to think about as you discuss:

  • In verse two, David says, "forget not all his benefits" - what are those benefits? What is it we should be remembering about God everyday? (Hint: look further in the passage - there's a bunch listed here!)
  • Which of the benefits listed here (or others you may think of), touches your heart, life, and/or faith the most right now? Why?
I pray that you and your family are blessed by these words of David this week!

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