Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A New Bulletin Board

I love giving the students the opportunity to help make the classroom uniquely our own. About a month ago, I had the students pair up and create plans for our big bulletin board based on our school theme this year - LIFE: Living in Faith Everyday, Colossians 3:17. They had to create the plan and then present it to the class and me, and then I chose two.
The first went up in April. It incorporated a big cross as the T in Faith on which the theme verse was written. It was full of stars, butterflies, and a big sun. UPDATE: Thanks for the picture, Stacey!

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This week, the second one went up, and this one will hang until the end of the year. I particularly like how the class chose a verse that they felt represented them: 1 Corinthians 16:14 "Let all that you do be done in love." Then, each student had to choose their favorite Bible verse to write on their personal cross. They will be able to take this cross home with them the last week of school.

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